Monday, August 17, 2020

Working During Retirement

 It has been a very long time since I posted any thoughts. That can be attributed to working full time and still running a small cow/calf operation. Spending time traveling between a simple little home in the country and a suburban home also contributed to time/priority management decisions, not conducive to posting. 

Beginning January 2020, I was abruptly retired from the company where I had worked for over ten years. At 70 years of age, maybe that was necessary to fit corporate strategy. Not my ideal image of employee treatment, but not my call. 

Fortunately the Good Lord had been preparing me for this eventuality for several years. Equipment, infrastructure, training, and good health were all in place at the time I was retired. In the time since my departure, I have realized how well God planned for my situation. 

Potential actions that I did not feel comfortable with earlier, and decided against, proved to be good decisions. Other actions that on the surface seemed impractical, but which I felt led to accomplish anyway, now obviously were great decisions. It was all a matter of timing; more God's than mine. 

I still have the cow calf operation, which is doing okay, even in these trying times with the China Virus and moderate drought. Being retired also has allowed me to get back to gardening on a very small scale. 

A few years ago I did several "Mid-Tex Gardener" YouTube videos concerning gardening. Beginning this autumn here in central Texas, I plan on possibly presenting more videos.  This will depend on what La Nina in the Pacific does to our central Texas climate. 

During my earlier employment, I had qualified as an OSHA authorized trainer for the 10 and 30 hour OSHA General Industry classes. That presents a great opportunity for me to also build a small business providing safety training and consulting. 

Right now under the social distancing mandates in many areas, classroom utilization is not optimum. OSHA is not currently authorizing any more online trainers until after new rules are established. A new system is necessary due to widespread abuse of the online training under the old plan. 

I have never been an advocate for online safety training especially since OSHA requires instructor presence for all parts of on-site training. The participant give and take in the classroom benefits all attendees including the instructor. 

Developing this as a business is ongoing, but the training portion will only become active once the current virus restrictions can safely be lifted. In the interim I am available for onsite consulting and assisting employers safely navigate these difficult seas of additional risks. Otherwise, there is still plenty of work to be done before going live with the entire program.

I have worked on farm and ranch operations and in safety and management functions in manufacturing companies most of my life. Work on a daily basis is so ingrained in my life that selling off all the assets and just retiring, while my wife continues to work in the corporate world until she reaches retirement age; is not appealing. So for now, God willing, working through retirement is the plan. Wishing you all a great day.

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