Even though this article pertains to issues outside of résumé writing, I thought it might be food for thought and eventually lead many of us to realization of a better lifestyle, perhaps while contemplating or getting a new résumé. While a great résumé certainly helps you get interviews and potentially a job, it can do little good if no jobs are available, to match your SKA’s (Skills, Knowledge and Abilities). That is what prompted this article.
Reading the latest information on jobs, marketing, managing, and economics, is a part of my day, every day. As a resume writer and copywriter, I feel I have to be knowledgeable in all these areas, as well as others. Each day I receive and review various periodicals dealing with a broad range of these issues. While many of the articles are less than captivating, some rise to excellent levels. This is especially true for an article by Dr. Hans Sennholz, who is an economics educator and writer.
The article by Dr. Sennholz indicates that off shoring jobs or moving them to the lowest cost area of the world is good for all of us. Now like many of you, I lost my job indirectly to off shoring and the economies of scale. So, when the good doctor, said we all benefit, I started looking for a straightjacket for him.
However, most of what he said was accurate so for as economic forces are concerned. What he, like most other proponents of off shoring, failed to give any consideration to was, how to maintain high economic standards for the countries losing the jobs. It is easy to move jobs and facilities, when compared to moving people. So, when jobs leave an area, people become jobless. Lives are destroyed or forever altered. Rapid economic decline can quickly follow.
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