It has been several weeks since the last post. This has been due to relocating from the DFW area to San Antonio, Texas. Over the next few weeks, as we get settled in, I will cover some of the pitfalls and shortcuts to a successful relocation. Like most people, I really did not want to go through the process of relocating. But let's face it though, in today's world of downsizing and offshoring, relocation is becoming a necessity for growing numbers of us.
I am fortunate that my wife is very good at taking care of details. She did most of the research to relocate in about three weeks. Relocation time constraints, are probably one of the most important topics that should be considered, when accepting a job offer in a new area. Many of us can physically pack up and be ready to move in a matter of only days or a week. So, that is not a major constraint.
However, even in this age of immediate information availability, finding new housing and transferring services, such as phone, electricity and even satellite TV, can take much longer. We have learned that using services that do all the transfers for you, may delay the actual connection of the utilities. Also, while most of these connection services are "no charge," you may lose some connection discounts from the original supplier if you use them.
The delays due to using a relocation connection service, can also become extended. You have to remember that you are adding an additional layer of communication between you and the original service provider. This middle man has to take the information from you and then submit the requests to the original provider, in order for them to issue connection work orders. The relocation connection service provider we used waited up to four days before submitting some requests. My feeling is that relocation connection services may be nice, but if time is something you have in short supply, I would recommend you make all of the connection transfers yourself, which will probably save you both time and some money.
Next time we'll look at some other factors to consider while relocating for a job. For more information about my services, click here.